Raw championships

The next competition is this weekend held by Raw Taekwondo in the Tryst sports centre. The competition costs £25 to enter and had both sparring and poomsae, there is no extra charge for students who wish to take part in both divisions. If you wish to take part just please let me know this week.

Cancelled class this Saturday

Reminder that this Saturdays classes (the 22nd)are off due to staff holidays. Please feel free to attend our midweek classes instead on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-7 this week or next week to make up for the missed class. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


[[“Kicks”,”Meaning”,”Pronunciation”],[“Chagi”,”Kick”,”Chahgee”],[“Ap Chagi”,”Front Kick”,”Ap Chahgee”],[“Bit Chagi”,”45 Kick”,”Beet Chahgee”],[“Tollyo Chagi”,”Turning Kick”,”Tawl-leeoh Chahgee”],[“Bandae Tollyo Chagi”,”Reverse Turning Kick”,”Bhn-dae Tawl-leeoh Chahgee”],[“Yop Chagi”,”Side Kick”,”Yohp Chahgee”],[“Chiko Chagi”,”Chop\/Axe Kick”,”Cheeko Chahgee”],[“Ap Cha-olligi Chagi”,”Front Raising Kick”,”Ahp Cha-awl-i-gee Chahgee”],[“Dwib Chagi”,”Back Kick”,”Dweet Chahgee”],[“Bandal Chagi”,”Cresent Kick”,”Bahndahl Chahgee”],[“Naeryo Chagi”,”Downward Kick”,”Naeryeeoh Chahgee”],[“Twio Chagi”,”Flying\/Jumping Kick”,”Twee-uh Chahgee”],[“Hurryo Chagi”,”Whip Kick”,”Hurre-oh Chahgee”],[“Bituro Chagi”,”Twisting Kick”,”Bi tul-o Chahgee”]]


[[“Miscellaneous”,”Meaning”,”Pronunciation”],[“”,””,””],[“Do”,”The Way\/Art\/Method”,”Doh”],[“Dojang”,”Training Hall”,”Doh-jang”],[“Dobock”,”Training Uniform”,”Doh-bohk”],[“Hanbon Kyoruki”,”One Step Sparring”,”Han-bun Keeurookee”],[“Hoshinool”,”Self Defence”,”Hoh-sheensol”],[“Kyoruki”,”Sparring”,”Keerookee”],[“Poomse”,”Patterns”,”Poom-say”],[“Taegeuk\u2026..Jang”,”Taegeuk No\u2026.”,”The-geuk\u2026..Jahng”]]