There will be no classes on the 8th December Just the Titan Christmas party!
There will be no classes on the 8th December Just the Titan Christmas party!
A reminder there are no classes on Saturday the 7th and Tuesday the 10th of April due to staff holidays. All the classes are back to normal on the 12th April.
Due to the current weather situation Craigholme sports complex will not be open tomorrow meaning all classes will be off. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. Stay safe and enjoy the snow!
The next competition is this weekend held by Raw Taekwondo in the Tryst sports centre. The competition costs £25 to enter and had both sparring and poomsae, there is no extra charge for students who wish to take part in both divisions. If you wish to take part just please let me know this week.
Reminder that this Saturdays classes (the 22nd)are off due to staff holidays. Please feel free to attend our midweek classes instead on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-7 this week or next week to make up for the missed class. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
What are the translations for each of these numbers – can you get 100%?
[[“Blocks”,”Meaning”,”Pronunciation”],[“Momtong”,”Middle Section”,”Mawmtong”],[“Makki”,”Block”,”Mak-kee”],[“An Polmok”,”Inner Forearm”,”An Polmohk Mak-kee”],[“Arae Makki”,”Low Block”,”Areh Mak-kee”],[“Momtong An Makki”,”Middle Inward”,”Mawmtong An Mak-kee”],[“Yeogul Makki”,”High Section Block”,”Yuhguhl Mak-kee”],[“Pakat Plomock Makki”,”Outer Forearm Block”,”Pakhaht Mak-kee”],[“Sonnal Makki”,”Knife Hand block”,”Sawn-nal Mak-kee”],[“Sonnal Goduro Makki”,”Knife Hand Guarding Block”,”Sawn-nal Gedooruh Mak-kee”],[“Goduro Makki”,”Guarding Block”,”Gedooruh”],[“Jebi Pum Mokchigi”,”Swallow Shape Block”,”Jehbee Poom Mo-cheegee”],[“Pakat Makki”,”Outward Block”,”Pak-kat Mak-kee”],[“Hechyo Makki”,”Wedging Block”,”Hey-chyu Mak-kee”]]
[[“Parts of the Body”,”Meaning”,”Pronunciation”],[“Ap Chuk”,”Ball of the Foot”,”Ahp Choohk”],[“Ap Joomuck”,”Fore Fist”,”Ahp Choomuhk”],[“Baldung”,”Instep”,”Bal-dung”],[“Balanal”,”Footsword”,”Bahl-nal”],[“Dwit Kumchi”,”Back of the Heel”,”Dweet Koomchee”],[“Joomuck”,”Fist”,”Choomuck”],[“Momtong”,”Trunk of the Body”,”Mawmtong”],[“Moorup”,”Knee”,”Mooruhp”],[“Palkup”,”Elbow”,”Pahlkuhp”],[“Polmock”,”Wrist\/Forearm”,”Pawlmohk”],[“Yeogul”,”Face”,”Yuhgul”],[“Son”,”Hand”,”Sawn”]]
[[“Commands”,”Meaning”,”Pronunciation”],[“Gamsa Hamnida”,”Thank You”,”Gamsa Hamneeda”],[“Charyut”,”Attention”,”Chareeuht”],[“Kuman”,”Stop”,”Koomahn”],[“Choonbi”,”Ready”,”Choonbee”],[“Kihap”,”Shout”,”Keehap”],[“Kuryong Opshe”,”In Your Own Time”,”Kooreung Awpshee”],[“Paro”,”Stop and return to start”,”Pahro”],[“Kaleyo”,”Break”,”Kahleeoh”],[“Swiu”,”At Ease”,”Swee-uh”],[“Sijak”,”Begin”,”See-jah”],[“Dwio Dora”,”About Face”,”Dweeoh Dorah”]]