-November Newsletter –
My bad!!!!
Apologies for last weeks Saturday classes being cancelled. I was given notice in the summer that the hall would be unavailable and I diligently wrote this on my wall calendar at the time…then completely forgot to look at said calendar. I have never managed to do this before and apologies for any inconvenience.
Congratulations to all the new Titan grades who passed their grading in October
Yellow belt;
Green Belt;
Congratulations to our star performer Rhys!
The next grading will be on Saturday the 1stth December at 12.15. Full details of the syllabus can be found online at www.titantkd.com.
This grading will also be an opportunity for our black tag candidates to sit a mock black belt grading at no cost.
Cancelled class
There will be no classes on Tuesday 13th November as there is line painting on the floor, Thursday classes will be back on as normal.
Next competition
The next event for the club will be the GTA 1-2-1 on Sunday the 2nd December at Caledonian Taekwondo Health and fitness centre. The event will host sparring, patterns and breaking and it costs £15 to enter as many divisions as you wish.
Christmas party
Our Christmas party this year will be held on the 8th December from 3-4.30pm at Craigholme Sports Complex. We will have cakes, games, and bouncy castle fun. Just let your instructor know if you can attend so we can cater for the correct number.
Sparring class
There is now a team training class on Saturdays at 12.15pm after regular classes. This is open to green tags and up and all adults. If you are already on a full membership there is no extra charge for this class, if you pay for one class a week your payment will go from £22 a month to £30 a month.
There is no sparring class on the last Saturday of every month as this is reserved for our monthly gradings.
Bring a friend
Remember we are still running our bring a friend promotion! If you introduce a friend to TKD and they sign up you get one month of fees back in cash!
Change of payment system
As Titan taekwondo continues to grow we are now using a company called Ashborne who will collect payments via direct debit rather than standing order and also help with the communication and management of classes. I will be asking people to change over payments from standing orders to the new direct debit system, please continue to pay for classes as normal until I speak to you in class to explain the process. The cost of the classes are not going to change.